Quitter's Day

Quitter's Day

Embark on a journey of transformation this new year – remember, small, measurable changes can lead to significant progress, challenging the notion of Quitter's Day!

As of writing this post it is Jan 7, 2023

We are 7 days into the new year.

How many of you have stuck with your resolutions and goals? If you are like most people, you have already broken your resolutions or goals.

Why is it so hard to stick with our goals? It is because they are too vague and intangible.

Research by Strava says that nearly 80% of people quit their exercise goals by January 19 - They Call it quitters day.

Quitter's day, how sad is that?

Change is hard, but often it helps us become better people, better Christians.   2 Corinthians 5:17 says that we can be new creations in Christ.  Do you want to leave your old habits behind?

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! - NIV,
​2 Corinthians 5:17.


Make Small Changes.

If your goal is to be a better person, friend, Christian, father, husband, mother, or wife we have to approach change differently.

Honeslty its better to make small changes then big changes. but Either way we often fail at both. Why? because we are creates of habit. And habits are hard to break. Often we are not able to keep our goals not because we aren't serious, but because we don't know how to make habits that help us keep those goals.

Do you want to become a new person?  If so, then let’s start by looking at some habits that might help us live the life God has planned for us.

4 things you can do to help your goals become reality.

​ 1.  Get rid of things that are holding you back.

​Old things are gone... You can’t change what you can’t see. If your goals are not on paper, then they will never become part of who you are and what you do. Write them down, share them with others and make plans to be where those goals need to happen.

2. ​Make your goal something that is measurable.

If you are going to lose weight, than write it down and set a date when you will be at your goal weight. If you want to become a better person, then make sure that doing so is measurable. You can’t just say, "I am going to better person." without defining what that means for yourself. Don’t say “I want to be a better person.” Say instead, “I will read the Bible for at least 15 minutes every day.” And then write that down and put it somewhere where you can see it every day so you don’t forget. You need tangible steps that will help you become the person you want to be.

3. ​Piggyback your goals on already established habits.

If you want to read the Bible, then try piggybacking that goal on something else you do every day. - For example, if you don’t spend time reading the Bible every day, but you spend time on social media, then make sure that one of your 15 minutes per day is spent reading the Bible so you can share a text via the Bible app on you page instead of doing something else.

4. ​Engineer your environment.

​ Make space for the change that you need to make. If you want to read more, then make sure there is a place for your books. If you want to eat healthier, then make sure that there are vegetables in the fridge and that they aren’t buried behind other things. You can also think about how to change your environment, so it fits with what you want. I have a chair that I sit in when I do Spiritual things and Bible Study, and I don't do other things in that chair, like play video games; in fact, there is not a TV in view of that chair. that way, when I sit there. my mind is already engineered to think about Biblical things.


Make a plan, write it down, mold that plan to a reality that works for your life. Small changes over time will make a great impact on you. If you wanna see change, if you're sick of doing the same things and quitting by Jan 19 then stop adding to quitters day. Make today success day.